Sign-up now for one - or both - Howard Ocobock Memorial Campouts with WFSE/AFSCME.
The first is 9/12-13 at the Lewis & Clark State Park; the second on 9/26-27 at Camp Delany at Sun Lakes State Park.
Registration deadline is 9/1/09.
WFSE/AFSCME Council 28 members are making a difference in the fight for health care reform with over 2500 letters and calls in just the past week - but you can't stop yet. We all need to make those calls again - tomorrow.
Tomorrow, we're going to make sure that Congress hears us loud and clear. We're going to participate in a National Day of Action where 50,000 Americans will contact Congress to demand quality, affordable health care now. Will you join us?
As I write this, your member of Congress is deciding how to vote on HR 3200, America's Affordable Health Care Choices Act. You'd be surprised just how much impact your actions can make.
So, please - make the call. Here's a sample script:
Many, many Americans will be making this call tomorrow - so if you don't get through, or reach a full mailbox, smile and know that you are among thousands across America doing the same. Try again later or use the link below to send your message electronically. Either way will do.
Click here to send a message electronically now.
This health care reform bill will save taxpayers an average of $2,200 per year¹ and will impact only the highest income earners.² Passing health care reform will save you money. Not passing it will save millionaires money. Will your representative choose the millionaires or you?
One of the excuses that some members of Congress use to not support health care reform would be that that this bill raises taxes on small business. They couldn't be more wrong. According to the Joint Committee on Taxes, 96 percent of small businesses will have access to more affordable health care under the House bill. That's why small business owners all across America are supporting this bill.
This is your chance to participate in one of the most important issues of our lifetime. This bill guarantees quality, affordable health care for everyone. It will cover the uninsured and lower the costs for those of us who have insurance. Let's pass this bill, so we can all have quality, affordable health care.
Thank you for your action today. It's good to know we can count on you.
April Sims
Field Coordinator, WFSE Legislative & Political Action Department
PS: After you send your message, watch AFSCME's new ad featuring AFSMCE nurses who are on the front lines of the health care crisis, linked in favorites on WFSE's YouTube channel — it started airing nationwide on Sunday.
1. Fork in the Road: Alternative Paths to a High Performance U.S. Health System - The Commonwealth Fund
2. How the Health Care Surcharge Works - Congressman Pete Stark
The health care reform bill - HR 3200 - being voted on in the House will save you an average of $2800 per year.*
That bill says those who make more than a quarter of a million dollars a year should help pay for reform by rolling back Bush's tax cuts by just 1%.**
Call your Representative today and tell them to stand up for health care.
* Fork in the Road: Alternative Paths to a High Performance U.S. Health System - The Commonwealth Fund
** How the Health Care Surcharge Works - Congressman Pete Stark
I'm calling from AFSCME to make sure that Rep. ______ knows that we need health care reform in 2009.
The House health care bill, HR 3200 will provide quality, affordable health care for all with good benefits and affordable costs.
Health care can't wait, please vote for HR 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act BEFORE you leave for vaction.
On the heels of President Obamas prime time press conference and continued push for comprehensive health care reform, Health Care for America Now (HCAN) and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) launched a television advertising campaign in eight states,targeting a Senator and seven members of Congress who oppose health care reform legislation. In Washington, Representative Dave G. Reichert (WA-08) is among those targeted.
The ad points out that in voting against reform, the members of Congress would allow health insurance companies to continue to deny people coverage for pre-existing conditions.
You can help: National Call-In Day, July 28th.
Tracy Wilson-Fosty, Region 3, Local 1060There is still room for another representative from Region 2 and also possibly from unrepresented parts of Region 6 because it covers so much geography.
Julie Seholm, Region 3, Local 1060
Connie Drake, Region 2, Local 1253
Larry Crumet, Region 1, Local 1221
Terri Jones, Region 1, Local 1221
Maribeth Sheppard, Region 4, Local 843
Sandie Reynolds, Region 5, Local 1181
Ursula Petters, Region 5, Local 1181
Joe Mienko, Region 5, Local 53
Michele Fukawa, Region 6, Local 313
Ed Chapin, Region 6, Local 313
The Public Employees Benefits Board today voted to raise most state employee health insurance premiums, raise or impose deductibles, and hike office visit co-payments and out-of-pocket expense limits.
But the vote was close – 4-3 – with state employee and retirees’ representatives lining up in opposition.
Federation Executive Director Greg Devereux, the state employee representative on the board, laid responsibility for what he called “an absolute travesty” squarely at the feet of the Legislature.
Lawmakers ignored Gov. Chris Gregoire’s proposal to add funding to cover the 8 percent health care inflation cost. Instead, legislators essentially zeroed out inflation funding. The Health Care Authority’s package acted on by the board reflected that reality.
But it was Devereux who said the blame is not with the Health Care Authority or the governor, but a Legislature that “could not muster the courage” to find the funding to cover the inflation costs.
The health insurance increases amount to an 8 percent tax on state workers, Devereux said. He noted the irony that the Legislature refused to raise revenues and actually added new tax breaks to the tune of billions of dollars.
“This today is an absolute travesty...” Devereux said. “They (the Legislature) won’t tax anybody else, but they’ll tax state employees….
“I think it’s a crime.”
The Legislature “didn’t have the guts” to provide the health care funds, he said.
“They are destroying the quality of the workforce in this state,” Devereux said.
Devereux, joined by K-12 retirees representative Lee Ann Prielipp, state retirees rep Robert Portertield and non-voting K-12 rep Phil Karlberg, urged the board to turn thumbs down on the package and send it back to the governor to send it back to the Legislature to recover the 8 percent inflation costs.
Devereux, Prielipp and Porterfield voted against the package. Voting in the majority for the package were: HCA Administrator Steve Hill; state Personnel Director Eva Santos; former HCA Administrator Margaret Stanley; and Bellevue Human Resources Director Yvonne Tate.
But here are the lowlights:
Federation President Carol Dotlich was joined by several of the 25 or so Federation members who turned out for the PEBB meeting to testify against the plan.
Dotlich told the board state employees have already sacrificed more than $1 billion in funding for pay raises, benefits, pensions and jobs to help balance the budget.
“And now with this change, we’re looking at another 8 percent reduction in our pay package,” she said.
Ecology member Pete Kmet said the cost increases will act as a barrier to preventive health care. More routine care for children will be deferred until their health worsens and more costly care is needed, he said.
“As employees, we’re willing to pay our fair share, but this is upside down,” Kmet said.
Kim Lawler, a member at Seattle Central Community College and a member of the Higher Education Coalition Bargaining Team, said the health insurance hikes act as a deduction in pay.
“I really truly feel you need to look at this again,” Lawler said.
Joe Nilsson (Labor and Industries, Local 443) called the increases “counterproductive” and Steve Pointec (Employment Security, Local 443) called them a “horrible shame.”
That’s it for now. Call Tuesday for the next message.