July 18, 2011

Exchange Time committee meets, needs your input

A memorandum of understanding in the new, 2011-2013 General Government contract mandated a statewide master agreement Union Management Communication Committee (UMCC) to discuss the issue of overtime-exempt employees’ use of exchange time in specific state agencies.

That special committee met with the management reps from several agencies last Wednesday (July 13). The agencies include the departments of Health, Ecology, Commerce, DSHS, Labor and Industries, Veterans Affairs and Military, and the Parks and Recreation Commission.

The first meeting provided an opportunity for the union to share concerns with how exchange time is being implemented. The main concerns include consistency, fairness and too much reliance on flexing time within a workweek or pay period rather than allowing exchange time. Workload for those who are overtime exempt was also discussed.

The Union proposed several best practices be put into place immediately, including:
  • granting exchange time at a 1-to-1 ratio for excessive hours worked;
  • that discussions about exchange time occur at the line supervisor level as soon as an employee works in excess of a standard 40-hour week;
  • and that exchange time policies be written, clear and fair.
Your exchange time team wants to hear your stories about exchange time abuses and successes. Please contact the assigned UMCC staff, Debbie Brookman, DebbieB@wfse.org, for more information.

Another UMCC meeting to continue the discussion will be scheduled soon.

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