April 29, 2010

VIDEO/Media: KING5 coverage of decision to close Maple Lane School is questioned; veto of closure requested

The governor is set to sign the supplemental budget, ESSB 6444, within days and Local 1926 members at Maple Lane School will take to Interstate 5 and the Capitol in an all-out fight to reverse the three-year phased closure of the juvenile rehabilitation facility in south Thurston County.
  • FRIDAY, April 30:  And on Friday, Federation members led by Local 1926 will march on the governor’s office. Come out to support our Maple Lane brothers and sisters. Meet at the west side of the Capitol Building (the side facing the Governor’s Mansion) at 11 a.m. Wear your AFSCME Green shirt. The short march inside to deliver letters, petitions and messages to reverse the closure will follow.
The budget item to phase out and close Maple Lane came at the last minute. A consultants report from last fall said closing Maple Lane or any JRA facility makes no sense because offender population is expected to rise.

CALL NOW!  Don’t forget. You can still call the Legislature’s toll-free hotline at 1-800-562-6000 and tell the governor to save Maple Lane School. The hotline is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m. 

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