February 17, 2011

The votes are in: General Government members ratify contract

In ballot counting that ended at about 4:15 p.m., Thursday, Federation General Government members have ratified the 2011-2013 tentative contract agreement on a vote of 5,332 to 839. Another 29 ballots were voided.

That's about a 25 percent turnout of the 25,201 General Government members eligible to vote. It's about 2,500 more than voted in the last ratification vote, in 2009.

This is the next contract that the General Government Bargaining Team fought hard for to mitigate drastic economic cuts to members. It ended up with no permanent takeaways on economics, preserved affordable health care, saves jobs by reducing the number of permanent layoffs, made significant improvements to non-economic articles with no-takeaways in those non-economic articles. It preserves step increases, assignment pay, call-back pay, personal leaveƂ  days and more. It does have a flexible furlough plan with 3 percent pay cuts and 5.2 hours a month of temporary salary reduction leave.

The governor has asked the Legislature to OK the economic parts of the contract.

And we can't forget  - we must stand with our brothers and sisters at the Federation's eight higher education tables who are still fighting for fair contracts.

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