February 4, 2010

Speaking of supplemental negotiations - DOC negotiations wrap up

For a number of complicated reasons, some issues affecting Federation Department of Corrections members could not be bargained during the 2009 re-negotiation of the current, 2009-2011 contract. So they were deferred to supplemental negotiations that started in November and wrapped up this past Tuesday, Feb. 2.

The supplemental articles will now go to Corrections members for ratification. They should watch for details.

In summary, the DOC Supplemental Bargaining Team negotiated improvements in working conditions in nine articles and two memoranda of understanding. If ratified, these will be added to the current, 2009-2011 General Government contract.

The changes came in the following articles: Bid; Hiring and Appointments; Hours of Work; Overtime; Vacations (Scheduling); Safety and Health; Uniforms, Tools and Equipment; Meals; and Employee

In addition, a memorandum of understanding addresses a name change for Community Corrections officers. Under this MOU, a special work group, with direct participation by the DOC secretary, will convene no later than April 15 to address the name change issue.

Other issues raised at the table but not agreed to will be included in the next cycle of supplemental negotiations for DOC.

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