May 13, 2011

Bills funding natural resource agencies signed into law

Local 1466 President Brian Yearout (left) shakes governor's hand after she signed the Discover Pass bill into law.

Gov. Chris Gregoire today (May 12) signed into law two bills to fund financially strapped natural resource agencies.

2SSB 5622 creates the Discover Pass to replace $71 million in funds as the state moves to user fees.

The proceeds from the $30 passes will go to fund state parks, the Wildlife Account in the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Park Land Trust Revolving Account in the Department of Natural Resources.

Without this bill, more than 100 state parks were in danger of being closed.

On hand for the bill signing was Statewide Parks Local 1466 President Brian Yearout.

The governor also signed into law SSB 5385 to raise fishing and hunting licenses to fund the State Wildlife Account, which accounts for 25 percent to 30 percent of the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s budget.

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