May 13, 2011

Calls needed to oppose pair of bad corrections bills

We thank you for all the calls you’ve made to oppose SB 5891, the corrections bill that would release dangerous prisoners early and eliminate community custody for high-risk offenders.

But it’s apparent SB 5891 is going hand-in-hand with another bad bill, HB 2066, which would cut tolling in Community Corrections. Tolling is a technical term, but the issue is whether the clock stops when an offender violates his or her terms of community custody and goes back to jail. Right now, if they screw up, the clock stops and their community custody obligation resumes once they’re out of jail. Under HB 2066, the clock would keep ticking while they were back in jail – so a dangerous offender could purposely try to run out the clock in a comfortable jail cell and never get all the treatment and supervision they need. It’s a recipe for tragedy. HB 2066 has not even had a hearing.

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